
DVD Review: Parenthood of Season 3

The television series Parenthood is the second attempt at bringing Ron Howard hit film to the small screen.  Unlike the first attempt back in which failed horribly despite having an all-star cast including, Ed Begley Jr., David Arquette, Leonardo DiCaprio and Thora Birch, this more loosely-based Parenthood series is about to begin its fourth season.  The current Parenthood revolves around three generations of a large family in the San Francisco Bay area, the Bravermans.

This Parenthood series has only the loosest ties to the original movie and perhaps that alone is enough differentiate the show from the story that has already been told before.  Boasting a pretty solid cast itself Parenthood stars Coachs Craig T.

Nelson, Six Feet Unders Peter Krause Gilmore Girls Lauren Graham and Employee of the Month villain and star of the new film Hit and Run, Dax Shepard to name a few.  Nelson plays the patriarch of the Braverman family, and his four children and Crosby each have families of their own.  With such a big story to tell, there is something relatable for almost everyone.  

Season of Parenthood ended with a bang, both literally and figuratively.  The second season was all about the Bravermans jockeying for position, particularly the grandchildren. Adam-year-old daughter, Haddie played by Sarah Ramos, struggles to assert her independence but accidentally calls her parents while having sex.  Not long after that her father Adam finds a pregnancy test which he incorrectly assumes belonged to Haddie.

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