KUALA LUMPUR: THE DVD may look like it's a blockbuster pirate movie, with pictures of the cast decked in pirate outfits, but a closer look will reveal that the production is nothing more than an X-rated film.This is fast becoming a common sight as many pirated DVD peddlers are brazenly displaying pornographic material openly now.
Many of these pirated DVD peddlers usually come out in the late evenings to sell their goods in front of office blocks, restaurants and night markets in and around the city.A check by Streets recently found a DVD peddler plying his trade in front of a restaurant in Taman Permata, Cheras. The young DVD seller was very helpfureporter went undercover as a customer to check on the quality and assortment of goods that was on display.As the reporter was checking out the goods, the jovial looking DVD peddler in his mid-20s approached the reporter and asked if he would like to see the latest blockbuster hits.
As the reporter was browsing through the wide selection of movies, the DVD peddler asked if he would like to see some pornographic DVDs.Blue, mau kah (Do you want to see blue movies We have a wide collection said the DVD peddler.The DVD peddler then led the reporter to the end of his stall, where the reporter saw more than 500 titles, which were spread over three tables The DVD peddler, then started showing the reporter a wide selection of movies that were available from around the region. The DVD peddler boasted that he had movies from Thailand Indonesia Vietnam, Japan and India.While the reporter was looking through the Asian selection the DVD peddler then brought out the eight-in-one collection DVDs.
The DVD seller then explained that the Blu-ray copies are sold for RM30, while the normal copies are sold for RM15.Blu-ray/DVD releases you dont want to miss
- Jun 25 Mon 2012 10:06
Seeing red over blue DVDs