The planned roadway was included in the Bedford West transportation master plan and the Capital Cost Contribution program. The connector road is considered a minor collector roadway which will connect Kearney Lake Road to the Highway 102/Larry Uteck Boulevard Interchange.It was considered a good initiative coming forward. They can’t move forward with the Bedford West development without this proceeding as well,” explained Coun. Debbie Hum.
Construction is slated to take place in three phases, with work on the first phase expected to begin this year. That will include clearing and grubbing, wetland alteration, culvert extensions and roadway subgrade construction.
Phase two involves construction of the roadway from the Larry Uteck Interchange to the Kearney Lake Road right-of-way boundary. It will include storm sewer installation, roadway gravels, concrete curb and gutter, trail construction and asphalt pavement. That work is expected to take place in 2013.
The final phase is construction of the intersection at Kearney Lake Road, including the road’s realignment, traffic signals and private property reinstatement. That work is expected to be completed in 2013/2014.The Kearney Lake community overall has been involved, with representatives from the Kearney Lake Residents Association and interested area residents attending the public consultation process,” Hum said.
- Jul 18 Wed 2012 11:09
Kearney Lake connector okd