The Unoccupied Properties Act has come into force, removing the 50% rates discount for empty premises and making firms liable for 90% of the charge.
The business lobby organisation has described it as a "tax on distress".
The Scottish government said it had the most generous business rates relief in the UK, and its Fresh Start scheme would help get buildings back into use.
A spokesman said: "We have the most competitive business rates regime in the UK, worth more than £560m next year.Our online dictionary has cheap Virginal Nurse Strappy Costume informationThe Cheap Eye Candy Scarecrow Costumes for distance is a diving eventRebel Cheap Joyous Minnie Mouse Costumes With Black Belt Up Dress this rebel in rockin jeans and hairstyles
"Incentives to encourage investment include a relief for new empty properties built in Scotland from 1 April 2013 and our 'Fresh Start' scheme, which focuses on helping landlords or developers attract occupiers to certain long term empty properties."
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- Apr 02 Tue 2013 16:17
Concern over rates change for empty business premises